Our Vision
To become World leaders in all forms of renewable energy production.
To form Strategic partnerships with Governments, Maritime Institutions and Intellectual Institutions.
To make money for our investors.
Corporate Governance
The Company and the Directors aim to comply with the Combined Code on the Principles of Good Governance and the Code of Best Practice so far as is reasonably practicable for a company of our size.
The Audit Committee consists of John Baker and Jeff Harding, and is chaired by Jeff Harding. The Audit committee will determine the application of the financial reporting, internal control principles, including reviewing the effectiveness of the Company�s financial reporting and internal control and risk management procedures and the scope, quality and results of the external audit.
The Remuneration Committee consists of John Baker and Alan Burns and is chaired by John Baker. The Remuneration Committee will review the performance of the executive directors and will set their remuneration, determine the payment of bonuses to executive directors and consider bonus and option schemes. None of the executive directors will take part in discussions concerning their remuneration. |
The Renewable Energy Sector
Industrial and agricultural development by mankind has placed significant pressure on the environment of the planet, but it is only in the last few decades that the likely implications of such behaviour have become apparent.
Political pressure has led to the signing of a number of international pollution and emissions control treaties, most notably the Kyoto Protocol, now heading towards full ratification, which requires signatory Annex 1 nations to complete significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions during the period from 2008 to 2012.
The principle sources of man-made greenhouse gas emissions are heavy industry and fossil fuel electricity generation. The cost of energy is generally expected to rise as a result of increasing demand and the steady depletion of fossil fuel reserves. Many governments are introducing a range of policy measures with the intent of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Included within these are a variety of regulatory and financial support mechanisms to directly promote the development and usage of renewable energy. The combination of these political and economic factors has made the research, development and use of alternative, clean, renewable energy sources increasingly viable where previously they were too expensive. |